Shrimp Tales: Small Bites of History
Shrimp, one of our most delicious food sources, was once only considered worthy of bait. The fascinating story of the shrimp industry will take you from the shrimp boats and their captains to fishing family lore, tasty recipes and more. Shrimp Tales: Small Bites of History captures the stories that swim in the salty souls of shrimpers who made their living fishing the waters of the Atlantic. Author and researcher Beverly Bowers Jennings spent a decade interviewing shrimpers and others associated with commercial shrimping to produce permanent exhibits for the Port Royal Sound Maritime Center and the Coastal Discovery Museum on Hilton Head. This work served as the start for “Shrimp Tales,” a book that reveals the old ways of shrimping and celebrates today’s awakening about the foods we eat and the people who make it all happen. “Shrimp Tales” serves up a gripping comprehensive history and something tastier – great stories, fascinating facts, favorite recipes, and over 800 photos and illustrations that capture the people and places
About the Author

Beverly Bowers Jennings, a Master Naturalist, created the shrimp, oyster and crabbing exhibits, including mapping and describing the 46 oyster factories in the Beaufort County area, for the Port Royal Sound Maritime Center, Okatie. In addition, she created an exhibit on BASF for the Coastal Discovery Museum on Hilton Head, which demonstrates the important part shrimpers played in helping to preserve the waters of the Port Royal Sound… Read More
Why this book?
Who would have predicted that I would write a book on the East coast commercial shrimping industry. But this 10-year journey of research, writing and connecting with those who make their living fishing the open waters of the Atlantic has gripped me and won’t let me go… Read More
All proceeds will go to the nonprofit South Carolina Seafood Alliance
Advocating for healthy and safe seafood sources